1.     Vitamin D3: 2,500-10,000 IU (Average 4000 IU) - Check blood levels

a.     Liposomal D Supreme by DFH (2,500 IU D3 with 100 mcg K2 liquid form) -RECOMMENDED

b.     Vitamin D3 5000 IU by Pure Encapsulations (available on Amazon) D without K

c.     HI-PO EMULSI-D3 by DFH (2000 IU liquid form (NO added K)

2.     Vitamin K2: 50 to 200 mcg (avoid Vitamin K if you have Afib or take blood thinners)

a.     Tri-K by DFH

b.     Vitamin K2-7 by Vital Nutrients (available on Amazon) 

3.     Calcium: 500-1,400 mg in the morning

a.     Calcium Citrate or

b.     Calcium Malate or

c.     Calcium with magnesium (you will still need an additional Magnesium at bedtime)

4.     Magnesium: 200-800 mg at bedtime

a.     Mg Citrate by Pure Encapsulation (150 mg) if you have a tendency for constipation.

b.     Mg Chelate by DFH if you have normal digestion and regular BM

c.     TriMag Supreme Night by DFH (powder) if you need extra help with sleep

5.     Probiotics:

a.     ProBiospore by DFH (my favorite). Make sure your probiotics includes a wide variety of organisms.

b.     Other options: Prescript Assist, Probiotic Synergy Powder, ProBioMed 100

6.     Whole Body Collagen by DFH (powder)



Additional Vitamins for Bone Health

The following minerals also play a role in bone metabolism. Their exact mechanism is unclear. 

o   Zinc: 5-15 mg

o   Boron: 3-6 mg,

o   Manganese: 2 mg

o   Vitamin C: 500mg

o   Strontium: 227 mg

o   Tissue Regeneration Factor: Stimulates bone formation and anti-inflammatory

o   Annatto-E 300: powerful antioxidant (may interfere with Warfarin)

o   Osteoforce Supreme: 6 capsules a day (Combo)


This limited list is meant as a general guideline. Many additional supplements, herbs, oils, and other products may also boost bone strength.


**If you take a multivitamin, check the ingredients to avoid duplication**


Companies promote a variety of bone building products. Some are excellent while others are downright fraudulent. Make sure to purchase supplements from a GMP certified (Good Manufacturing Practices) company. These companies use an outside organization to independently test their products for quality.

Pure Encapsulations, Thorne, Klaire Labs, Metagenics, Douglas Labs, Vital Nutrients, Designs for Health provide top quality, professional-grade ingredients.


Designs for Health offers wholesale prices to my patients, as I do not have any financial interest or receive benefits from this company.